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A Grand Day Out

Christopher Booth

Everyday's a school day or so the saying goes, and on Tuesday I journeyed down to London with the intention of further educating myself at The Photography and Video Show. I came away inspired by the speakers I’d listened to, and reaffirmation of my chosen career.

This was the first time I'd been on any photography-related workshop since becoming self-employed, and I have to question why it’s taken me so long. Possibly, it’s been down to the uncertain nature of being a freelancer, where the fear of missing or turning down work can be all-encompassing at times. A thirst for knowledge and a busy diary leading up to the show, however, allowed me to bite the bullet and commit to the trip to the capital.

The show was held at the Excel Centre on the East side of the city. An impressive exhibition space awaited with row upon row of stands displaying the very best in photographic equipment. Big hitting brands such as Canon, Nikon and Sony provided the latest bodies and lenses to sample, and if deep pockets allowed, purchase. Tempted though I was, this wasn't the main purpose of my visit.

A variety of top talent from the world of photography sharing their stories and offering professional tips had been the incentive for my visit. From Joel Grimes' masterclass on Rembrandt lighting, during which he talked about the time in his career where he struggled to make any money, to music photographer Christie Goodwin's tale of how a chance encounter with Taylor Swift's management led to her becoming the singer's tour documentar. Lucy Hamidzadeh intrigued me with her minimalist kit approach to street photography and love of a fish market (which I can definitely appreciate), while Ben Moore's story from hobbyist to Nikon ambassador was very memorable. Each account different yet offering an incredible insight into the profession.

I look forward to hopefully attending next year’s show to once again renew my passion for this incredible line of work.

@ukphotoshow @JoelGrimesPhoto @ChristieGoodwin @LHamidzadeh @bemorephotos @canonUKandIE @UKNikon @SonyUK @ExCeLLondon #photography #photographyshow #canon #nikon #sony

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