Fantastic to meet Tania and Phil Alexander at QE Sixth Form College in Darlington last week. The two of them were providing a master class on TV ideas to students in the media department. As is sometimes the case on a job, I'm not aware of the details before I arrive. Phil looked slightly familiar and then I realised that some 30 years prior, he had been the man I used to watching fronting the Raw Power TV rock show. As it used to air at around 2am on a school night I would video it and have to wait until the following day to watch it, hoping that nothing had gone wrong with the recording. Tania and Phil shared some amazing stories of their meetings with Nirvana and the Spice Girls, to name two, before either band made it big or had any money to their names. Tania was also heavily involved in bringing Gogglebox to the screen. My leather jacket and long hair are no more, so it was great to see that Phil still supported these heavy metal staples!
#rawpower #darlington #qecollege #heavymetal @Tanialalexander @PhilAlexanderUK @QESFC