Earlier this year while undertaking work in the capital, an old school friend asked if I could take some images to help him promote his building projects development business in the centre of the city. With a wealth of iconic buildings as a backdrop, I was keen to lend a hand, and the day before shooting the images, I checked out a couple of locations which I thought would suit the theme that I had in mind.
One fairly new multi-level shopping centre in the vicinity of St Paul's Cathedral seemed perfect; It had an accessible rooftop that was high enough to gain a fine view of several famous London landmarks (as a backdrop), and there was plenty of space to position the subjects and off-camera lights if required. I returned to my digs for the night feeling content that a great location was in place for the following day.
On returning to the chosen spot, I was amazed to find that security guards were now patrolling the rooftop and on sight of my camera gear, they were immediately upon me, questioning my intentions and preventing me from carrying out what I thought was a straight-forward 10-15 minute photoshoot. I was provided with a phone number to call, and on speaking to the person on the other end, was kindly informed that any form of professional photography carried out from the location would cost a minimum of four figures!
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Having worked for most of my career in Yorkshire and the North East, I have never come across such a thing! Fortunately another location was found thanks to Christopher Madisson - one of the two subjects and we were able to complete the shoot. The spot shall remain un-named for fear of a rather large bill coming my way!